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The One Man Army Perk


The Pro version of One Man Army

One Man Army is a Tier 1 perk in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 which allows the player to switch classes without needing to respawn (there is a 5 second waiting period when you switch). Even though One Man Army is a Tier 1 perk, it also replaces the player's secondary weapon with a backpack (its still in the secondary weapon slot). When the player switches from their primary weapon to the backpack, it brings up the class menu. From there they can pick the class that they want to switch to. The Pro version requires 120 kills while using the perk and it reduces the time needed to wait to 3 seconds. It is unlocked at Level 45.



The One Man Army bag

  • A helpful tactic is to have a class with C4 or claymores with One Man Army. Once the player uses the C4 or claymores, or runs out of ammo, they use the One Man Army and switch to the same custom class. When the switch is finished, they will have full ammo for their gun and another claymore or C4 while the one they placed earlier will still be there offering an unlimited amount of ammo, C4, and claymores. When the player uses the detonator for the C4, all their placed C4s will explode. This is very helpful for defending flags in Capture the Flag or Domination, or defending bomb plant locations or planted bombs.
  • Since claymores are weaker in Modern Warfare 2, a good way to make sure they kill enemies is by placing a C4 pack right in front of the claymore. With One Man Army you can do this relatively easily provided you have a class with One Man Army and C4 and another with One Man Army and claymores.
  • Bear in mind, the maximum amount claymores you can have in place is two. If you try to place a third one, the claymore you've placed first will explode. With very careful coordination, this can be used tactically, though of course is very difficult. C4 is also limited to two.
  • Another trick is to have 2 classes with One Man Army to switch around back and forth with or just change back to the same class as you have on.
  • A tactic employed by some players is to have one class with One Man Army (Pro) Equipped which they start every round with, and depending on the typical enemy tactics can then switch to suit different roles. This is especially useful when using Stopping Power on the OMA class, and switching to a class with Cold Blooded when a Killstreak Reward such as UAV or AC130 is in play by the enemy. OMA can even switch to the default classes, which enables the use of an effective Riot Shield class without needing a custom class slot dedicated to this role.
  • A good trick for LMG users is to simply switch classes instead of reloading as for some LMGs it is faster than reloading.
  • Use One Man Army for a quick, temporary SitRep.  Switch to a SitRep class to survey the field for explosives, then switch back to a Ninja or Commando class.
  • Replenish your grenades (stun, flash, smoke) when you are in a hard-to-reach area that would not provide any blue backpacks to scavenge.  For example, the large flat roof area on Underpass, up the ladder.
  • Temporarily switch to a Riot Shield or Cold-blooded class to take out a sentry gun.
  • A coordinated team using One Many Army can fortify an area (the Estate cabin, or the Invasion embassy) with explosives before any gunfire even takes place.  Each player on the team can deploy two claymores and two C4s within 20 or 30 seconds.


  • The One Man Army pack can be seen on the player's back with the letters "OMA" on it; an acronym for "One Man Army".
  • When the player switches between classes with this perk, their character model changes with it.
  • When changing your pack your character's hand covers some words which say No Scope. The words can be read better on the mission S.S.D.D
  • It is possible to switch the pack for a weapon on the ground by going up to a weapon switching to the the pack and picking the desired weapon up, although this causes you to lose the pack.
  • One Man Army is often referred to as a 'mix' of Overkill and Scavenger Pro perks. This is because you can change classes at any time (Overkill) giving you more ammo (Scavenger Pro) each time.
  • This is very useful as it acts like Scavenger, switching back and forth or just using the same class will provide you with virtually infinite ammo without risking to go out and pick up the blue bags, also it is a very good tactic to use a rifle with a grenade launcher and Danger Close as the perk for maximum damage for controllable killstreaks, this is one good way to achieve a Tactical Nuke.